Since I've had to turn in my laptop, I've been without a real keyboard which has cut down significantly on my ability to write entries so I know I'm pretty behind. But for now, here's a short musing and revelation I have reached recently:
"Mommy hair" is really "SWO hair".
This is what I mean. After what seems like four ridiculously long years, I was finally able to grow out my short bob to pretty, wavy, down to the middle of my back hair. It's nice, thick, luxurious, and has the capacity to look like Victoria's Secret runway model/artfully toussled "bedhead" when it's down. But that's the problem, as many new moms of young kids, you never wear it down. If it's down, it's more likely to be pulled, yanked, or get covered by whatever food your child now flinging. Recently, Owen and Anduin have used it as a handhold (!) while trying to climb me. With that being said, I always wear it up and out of the way, usually in a nice little bun...
Which is exactly how I wear my hair as a SWO while in uniform.
So I've been debating about cutting my hair short (just like any new mom does) and basically any female SWO who has actually tried to calculate how much more sleep she could have gotten on a deployment if she didn't have to spend those additional minutes of putting her hair every time she took a nap (or slept, but really four or five hours is not a night of sleep, it's a long-ish nap). It's cute, it's low maintenance, it's...
Exactly what new moms and female SWOs do.
Arrgh. Which is exactly what I do NOT want to do.
So next time you see me on a ship with bags under my eyes, it's because of my vanity for my long hair. And I'll do my best to enjoy it for the five minutes a day that I wear it down (usually right before I go to sleep and immediately upon waking up).
I remember slashing my hair and my tearful regret afterwards. Stay long and stay strong!