Saturday, June 6, 2015

3 Going on 16

Anduin is a large amount of sass in a tiny body.  In fact, Niles and I both joke how she is 3 going on 16.  A couple of recent examples of why...

(Loud, suspicious noise in another room)
Niles and I look at each other while trying to figure out whether someone should go investigate.  Anduin comes into our room from the direction of the loud noise.
Niles: What are you doing, Anduin?
Anduin: Oh, nothing.  Don't worry about it, Daddy.

While discussing turtles, she corrects me on the difference between a tortoise and turtle, and then adds, "Silly, Mommy, I know soooo much."

During a particularly epic temper tantrum, she rushed to the bedroom door, paused to glare at me angrily and make sure I saw her, and then slammed the door as loud as she could.  She then repeated this at least nine more times over the course of the next hour.

But then last night after she woke up in the middle night, she crawled into bed with me, laid on top of me, and whispered, "Mommy, it's your sweet baby Anduin.  Hold me" and fell back asleep.

And then I remember, oh wait, she's still only 3.

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