Friday, April 6, 2012

Make Sure to Eat Your Vegetables (and other shipboard pregnancy vignettes)

So I spent the first five months of my first pregnancy on board a destroyer.  At the time, only a handful of people knew I was pregnant: the CO, the XO, the Chief Engineer (my direct boss), and my roommate at the time.  Thinking back on the time, the following true events still make me laugh...

1. My CO walking into the Wardroom where I was eating lunch on Burger Day and telling me, "Make sure you eat your vegetables.  You're eating for two now."  He trusted me to monitor the bridge during potentially dangerous operations but I needed to be reminded about my nutrition?

2. Lying on the floor of my stateroom overcome with morning sickness while my roommate made comforting sounds around me.  She did hand me a pillow to make me more comfortable.

3. My CO and XO watching me like a hawk during a particularly hot awards ceremony on the steel flight deck, absolutely convinced I was going to a) Pass out from heat exhaustion and b) Cook my unborn baby.  They watched me drink several glasses of water afterwards to make sure I was being rehydrated.  And then they promptly scolded me for even thinking about standing outside in the hot sun in uniform for several hours.

Lesson learned: fellow officers can turn into mother hens with little warning.

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