Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Prayer to SWO Gods

SWO Gods,

I used to think you so sadistic as I learned to sleep standing up, sleep on the floor of my stateroom, sleep during thirty degree rolls outrunning a typhoon, or sleep across my desk, earning keyboard marks on my cheeks.  I discovered that long blinks could somehow turn into fifteen minute catnaps without notice.  I used to find myself overly consumed by sleep, or more specifically a lack thereof.  I used to see this all as a sort of torture.

And then, I became a mom.

And now I thank you for all the training and initiation into a world without consistent sleep.  You taught me well how to be appreciative of a ten minute catnap.  The ability to fall asleep on a moment's notice was perfect during impromptu offers by my mother and mother in law to watch the children.  At least now when I am woken from a perfectly sound sleep in the middle of the night, I am not expected to be alert, coherent, and vigilant.  I just have to be able to feed a baby, not drive a ship.

Very Respectfully,

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