Friday, November 2, 2012

If I Ever End Up In a Korean Jail...

... this is why.

I abducted a baby or a toddler, spirited them back to my hotel room, and snuggled with them.  I may have also tickled them to hear them giggle.  And in the worst case, I would have fed them sugary treats.

I'm TDY in Korea.  This is my first time away from the kids longer than a couple of days.  I'm (mom)sick for my kids...  Don't get me wrong, the freedom to use the bathroom by myself, shop to my heart's content, get a massage/pedicure, go out to eat...  All of these are great.  But then I find myself watching small children and babies, wondering if they like to eat Oreos like mine...  I am afraid I look somewhat creepy watching small children like a hawk.  I really need to learn the Korean for, "I'm not a pedophile, but just miss my babies.  Can I hold yours?"

But here's the extra irony.  Since I'm staying in a hotel right outside a US military base in Korea, there are tons of little half-Korean kids and babies (hapa in Hawaiian) who bear an uncanny resemblance to my little hapa babies.  And I look like a local!  So maybe the Korean police will be kinder on me when they find me curled up in a hotel with a kidnapped infant.

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